Liz, you need to lose weight NOW, if you don't do it now you'll probably regret it in the future. exercise, join a gym, or go running outside for 20 minutes a day. join a dance or fitness class. please do at least ONE of these things. secondly, eat a balanced diet: no more cookies, no more cakes and no chips. eat more fruit, have an apple or orange a day and remember to drink loads to detox your system. ask your mum to get you on a good diet to lose some weight, she should know what you should be eating to get thinner. don't starve yourself: it will make you put on more weight. eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. for breakfast have a grapefruit, for lunch have some fish or chicken in a salad. for dinner have some spaghetti or pasta with tomato. if you follow this routine of exercising and eating healthy then you'll lose weight, and your skin and eyes will look lovely and glowing! exercize with your mum- go for a run with her or something, or go cycling with her. as for your eyebrows: ask your mom to take you to get your eyebrows shaped and waxed at a salon or beauticians because you're feeling self-consious about them. here are some more eating tips for losing weight:
Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water.
Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine/butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both).
Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy.
Avoid having a second helping at dinner.
Cut out unhealthy treats such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
if you don't like water then drink fruit juice.
what to do about your curly hair:
curly hair doesn't have to look bad, i really like this style:
you could ask your mom to highlight your hair blonde for you, my mum used to do that with my hair when i was 12 and was feeling insecure, and it gave me an instant confidence boost! you can get highlighting kits and dyes from most drugstores.
this girl is pretty and she also has curly hair:
take inspiration from the links i've given you. ask your mum if you can borrow her eyeliner and eyeshadows! it will give you alot of confidence: make-up can work miracles! just remember to always at least TRY to lose weight. i may be naturally skinny but i've known people who are overweight, and they managed to lose the weight with enough encouragement, YOU CAN DO IT. :D