2014-01-04 20:38:18 UTC
I tried to kill myself a few moths ago, I have an ugly scar on my wrist now, could that be why people call me ugly?
Maybe it's my freckles that make me so ugly?
Do you think I've never had a boyfriend because I'm so ugly?
I have very thin hair, just past my shoulders, is that ugly? Could that be why I'm ugly?
I have green eyes, but theres a vein visible if you look closely, is that why I get teased?
I have friends, but they're all so pretty, could this be why I'm called ugly?
I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either. People say I have a nice body, but that I'm still ugly and gross.
I have lines on my tummy from my bad posture, is that ugly? I can't fix it.
I'm a very confident person, I've just lost confidence in myself. No one knows though!!
My face is fat, its weird! People say it isn't but I know it is! Uglyness??????
I have big calf muscles and broad shoulders, is that ugly and manly? I hate it!
I have small boobs (still an A cup) is this why boys think I'm ugly?
I used to be anorexic (still with tendencies) is this why people say I'm ugly?
Why did god make me so ugly. I want to be pretty.
I hate myself so much.
I want to go to sleep and never wake up again..
I want to die.