Go with happy pills
Wellbutrin is an antidepressent associated with getting slightly skinnier, if thats of benefit, plus greater libido which brings vivacity
my eentsy amount of medical knowledge suggests it will work on people that already feel good
also happiness studies is an aspect of psychology you can now read n apply books on being happy that are based on research where they actually test things out http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1241728172/ref=sr_st?keywords=happiness&rs=&page=1&rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Ahappiness%2Cn%3A%211000&sort=relevancerank
Travel is a nifty way to feel good, if you arrange appointments prior to arrival you'll have more to enjoy than regular tourism
you iPod may matter: research finds that music with a rapid uptempo cause measurably better moods
Moving is an effective way to change how a person feels There are lots of people who could immigrate to a new country or just a different city where there are lots of appealing jobs or great demographics
hypomania which is just a word for mildly continually thrilled yet detectably sane plus beauty
I would definitely use a twice per d vitamin like they have at rite-aid the FDA says only a person per ten or twelve actually gets all their vitamins from food thus anyone that has even thought about dieting is even likelier to benefit from a multivitamin
drink water get sufficient sleep flirt online There are normal people that might urge you to have f2f relationships but if you supplement your life with online flirting you'll be kind of permaamused plus expectant n potentially flattered
stay fit its fun n makes people feel good, I read a scientific study that said regularly doing aerobics class was about as effective as antidepressants Fitness feels nice as well as makes you look nice
I read that tobacco use causes wrinkles to happen a few times faster than normal shun tobacco
this video says that people that whiten their teeth are seen as wildly appealing attractive as well as competent
more than half of the study participants were more likely to be hired (58%) and received larger salary offers (53%) after their teeth had been whitened. The study also found that evaluators expressed a greater interest in continuing their interaction or "date" with more than half of the study participants (54%) after their teeth had been whitened.
there is a science study on waitresses that says smiling gives 140 pt higher tips, thats right more than double the tips from smiling
http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/wml3/pdf/managing_tips.pdf page 24
if you actually want to be beautiful to others you could try this: make a picture of you, then photoshop on different hairstyles n colors then put them up at a place like hotornot.com You will be amazed at what other people would prefer you look like
Miss Universe likely went to modelling school which definitely rubs off on people I have qualms about the modelling profession but the techniques work Have a look at this person Shes naturally beautiful yet I think she was clever about studying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eyAN0L4M0g&feature=channel_page
sunscreen keeps people looking younger longer
wear white garments sleep outside