should i get contacts or glasses?
2007-08-15 13:27:27 UTC
tell me the reason becuase i cant decide

the kind of glasses i want to get (if i do) will be somehing like this
(the black or brown one)

people with contacts- are they annoying? i mean do they damage eyes or anything like that?
people with glasses- do you wish u had gotten contacts?

thankx i cant decide
64 answers:
2007-08-15 13:29:37 UTC
i started out with glasses, and they were fine, but my eyes are a little close together so they looked retarded, any style. so i switched to contacts and I LOVE THEM! i never had a problem with them being uncomfortable, even though i started with hard contacts. but then i switched to soft contacts, and most of the time i forget im wearing them they are so comfortable.

if you can afford it though, i would get glasses AND contacts. i like to wear the contacts during the day, and then relax and read a book at night with my contacts.

hope i helped!
2007-08-15 17:16:25 UTC
I have had glasses for about ten years and contacts for the past three of those ten years.

If you can only get one I would get glasses. I absoultely love my contacts, although after wearing contacts for eight-ten hours a day my eyes get kind of tired and need a break so glasses are nice for that. Since you are new to corrective lenses in general it might be easier to start with glasses.

Contacts can be annoying sometimes they fall out, and they are more mantinance. If you clean them properly they don't damage your eyes. They can damage your eyes if you sleep in them and scratch your eyes. It took me along time to get used to touching my eyes and I have allergies so it was challenging at first. If you do get contacts, ask for the soft contacts you get a new pair every month and they are easier to manage than hard contacts.

Good Luck! You can't really make a wrong choice so don't worry.
2007-08-15 13:35:54 UTC
I wear both. Contacts CAN damage your eyes if not cared for properly. The first few years I had them I didn't take proper care and the doctor said if I didn't start doing better I might not be able to wear contacts by the time I was 21. I'm older now and take better care of them so they cause me no problems. I like my glasses to though. They are convenient for the fact that it doesn't take more than 1 second to put them on in the mornings (where contacts can take several minutes). However, I like my contacts because I can wear sunglasses with them which I can't with my glasses. This helps immensely when driving. I would suggest getting both and alternate use.
2007-08-23 09:11:48 UTC
If you can't get both you should get the glasses. When you have contacts, you need someway to see when you take them out. It's not healthy for your eyes to have contacts in constantly. I've had both for 10 years now, and sometimes i just don't feel like dealing w/ the contacts, so it's good to have a back-up. Also, those glasses are hot!
2007-08-15 13:37:33 UTC
i have worn contacts for about 4 years and they aren't annoying at alll. glasses are more annoying to me than contacts. they won't damage your eyes unless you don't clean them out... if you don't do this you can get a little sore like thing on your eye. it's pretty much like a cavity on a tooth. it may even cause blindness, but i don't think you should worry about this.. there is two types of contact lenses, soft and hard. i would recommend the soft kind. though i never tried the hard ones, they might be alright

i would get contacts if i were you, just think about all the more advantages you get from wearing them instead of glasses. think of your eyes (when you could see clear, haha) before you got glasses; that's what contacts are like

get a good solution, if you don't irritation will probably happen.

but what really matters is if you're comfortable with taking the contacts out and putting them in, if you don't have trouble with that then get them!
2007-08-15 13:34:06 UTC
me, personally, I hate glasses. Ive had to wear them since i was about 11, I am now 32. I've worn contacts for the past 10 years and love them. I usually leave them in even when i sleep, although that is not recommended. Ive never had a problem with them. I use Acuvue 2. I buy them at Costco for about 14 dollars a box, which have 6 lenses in them. I have a different prescription in each eye so i have to buy 2 boxes. But they recommened changing the lens every 2 weeks, I dont I usually use the same lense for about a month, so the box lasts me twice as long
2007-08-15 13:35:26 UTC
I have been wearing soft contact lenses for well over 20 years.

Frankly, I can't even tell I am wearing them and I see much better with them that I do with glasses.

They do, however have their drawbacks. You have to take them out every evening unless you have the extended wear type. Some people, myself included, don't tolerate the extended wear variety very well. About the only other negative is you can't open your eyes in the swimming pool.

Even if you do get contacts you should have a backup pair of glasses to use in the evenings or if you have some sort of eye problem that prevents you from wearing contacts for awhile.
2007-08-15 13:33:22 UTC
I wear glasses but I wish I didn t. I used to wear contact lenses and loved the freedom - however I put them in one day after I had put my make up on and did not clean my hands properly (an ABSOLUTE must) and within a few hours I was in the casualty department with such a sever eye infection even crying with the pain made it more agony. I cannot describe the pain and all because I was too idle to clean my hands properly. Go for the contacts but dont take any short cuts. Good luck.
Lone Star
2007-08-16 09:50:20 UTC
Although glasses are easier, they are not as light-weight and if you wear them less and you strain your eyes more, your prescription may go higher. On the bright side, wearing contacts are much lighter, and they do not weigh down the ears, and it's as if you didn't wear any corrective lens at all. But, the first time you put them on may irritate you a bit, especially when your eyes are small. Also, my family member says that using them prevents any oxygen from entering the eye, and it may cause problems. In terms of prices, contacts are more costly. But in my opinion, I like contacts because don't like glasses. They don't look as nice on me, but both are still good.
2007-08-15 13:44:28 UTC
Get glasses if:

your eyes get easily irritated(contacts can make them worse)

your on a budget(contacts have to be replaced monthly which cost about $225 a year where galsses last longer and cost as little as $135)

your always late(contacts take a while to put on)

Get contacts if:

Your athletic(glasses can fall off and break if you run around)

You lose things(contacts are supposed to be replaced so if you lose them its no big deal)

you change your look alot(contacts let you do anything with your style but glasses can clash with the trends you want to try)
2007-08-20 08:30:26 UTC

Get none of the two. Improve your eyesight naturally, even 20/20.

The Eye Vision Program will help you:

See the testimonials and success stories. This is the easiest program I ever seen. 25minutes a day exercises for the eye... and most people see results within a month or few days.

2007-08-15 13:31:55 UTC
i've got both, have for years and contacts are totally the way to go, if they're soft, hard contacts really suck but are still a little better than glasses but if you do get contacts they wont hurt you at all but you can't wear them forever dont get day and night ones that you're supposed to be able to sleep in, not a good idea but like i said you can't wear them 20 hours a day so you will probably need pair of glasses for at night at home reading or somthing like that, hope this helps good luch
2007-08-15 13:31:16 UTC
Have you ever had contacts?

If you have more of an active lifestyle I would go that route. I dont like wearing glasses personally. Contacts take some gettig used to and they do not damage your eyes if worn properly.

Glasses can be a drag because they can be knocked off your face or broken but it is your choice.
2007-08-15 13:34:29 UTC
get both. contacts are very convenient, and they provide a bigger range of vision (sometimes with glasses you have no peripheral vision based on the frame size.) also, you don't have to worry about seeing while shaving in the shower, swimming, rain (fogging glasses are the biggest pain in the ash!) you'll need glasses sometimes, though, like when you're really tired your eyes get dry, itchy, and achy. plus, god forbid you drop one and can't find it on the floor, you need a back-up. I also have glasses for when my allergies get really bad, or when I have to get up in the middle of the night and don't want to put in my contacts for only a little while. most vision places will offer you a discount for getting both, and some insurances will cover both at the same time, too
2007-08-15 13:32:31 UTC
Insurance companies should cover both. It's ridiculous. That way if something happens to one you have the other to fall back on. In answer to your question, they both suck. Contacts are a a pain to put in and out and clean, and glasses you have to constantly keep track of them because you forget where you put them all the time. I guess it depends on how much inconvenience are you willing to put up with. I would say glasses are the lesser of the two evils.
2007-08-15 13:32:13 UTC
I have both. I mostly wear my contacts. They can be annoying at times, but glasses can as well. The only time I wear my glasses is when I get home from work and take out my contacts and on the weekends if I do not go anywhere. If I go anywhere though I put in my contacts. If you wear contacts you have to have glasses, because you have to take your contacts out to sleep. You are only supposed to wear them for up to 8 hrs at a time, and when you take them out they must be stored in conatct soluton for at least 4 hours. before putting them back in,
2007-08-15 13:31:04 UTC
I wore glasses for a few years before I got contacts. I love contacts. I've worn them for many years. They're very safe as long as you don't neglect the care that they need. They need to be cleaned every night, and stored properly.

If there's any chance you can have glasses and contacts, that would be ideal. You may need glasses anyway when you don't have your contacts in. Oh, and those glasses are very nice looking.
2007-08-15 13:34:56 UTC
ok.. so i have both contacts and glasses.

and i dont really like contacts because sometimes it hurts my eyes, and you cant wear it for more than 12hours and you cant sleep with it. maybe you can wear it more than 12 hours but your eyes would be all dry and stuff like that. but i love contacts because it makes me look not nerdy and it makes me look prettier than wearing glasses.

but glasses are really easy and simple.

i wear glasses at only home when i back from school, i wear glasses, its really simple and not annoying at all. but the thing i hate glasses is that it makes me look kinda nerdy.

so i recomand you to buy both so you could wear contacts when you were out, and glasses when you were at home.

by the way i love that glasses that you want to buy. i have like almost same glaases as that. and its pretty coool :]

good luck
2007-08-15 13:33:10 UTC
well i use contacts, the ones i have (acuvuve) are VERY comfortable!! your eyes wont itch or hurt in any way!!

just take them off before going to sleep and place them in new solution and there shouldn't be a problem. those glasses you chose are very pretty and maybe you should get both for those days you feel lazy, u can just put on the glasses instead!!

hope i helped you!!
2007-08-15 13:32:23 UTC
I have both. I only wear my contacts when I go out because they can bother my eyes.(drops can help with this)Contacts also take some getting use too.I wear glasses when im just reasting at home or if I dont feel like putting in my contacts.
2007-08-15 13:34:47 UTC
I have both because I couldn't decide, but contacts are comfortable depending on the brand you get, I have acuvue oasis, they are very comfortable, the thing is that you can only wear them for 12 hours. I have my glasses for when I am at home or driving. I hope that this helps.

this message is from pop89eyes, I am using my sisters because my email isn't working. Thanks.
2007-08-15 13:32:33 UTC
Why don't you get those glasses in Black and just get contacts so that you can either wear glasses or contacts I have glasses they are not bad or annoying. Contacts are not that bad either but you have to be careful putting them in and taking them out.
2007-08-15 13:34:32 UTC
I recommend getting both. Sometimes contacts will get on your nerves and you'll want glasses. And contacts are good for when you want to go out and dress up.

I have both, but I have a really hard time getting contacts in, so I can't wear them :(
2007-08-15 13:32:17 UTC
Start with glasses, get used to them, cuz when you get contacts, and something happens to them you wont have a substitute for the time being. Get glasses and after an year of so get lenses...btw hot glasses :)
2007-08-15 13:31:43 UTC
You should try and see which ones you feel are comfortable. Contacts annoy you the first time. Glasses just make some people look funny. Not saying it will make you look ugly. but they dont suit some people. try both
2007-08-15 13:34:28 UTC
Contacts may be easier if you're like in some tiype of sport but they can also cause a few problems like losing them, and maintaing them, causing infections and a few more things, but glasses are always a classic and never really go out of style.
2007-08-15 13:39:22 UTC
it all depends on if you want to take the time every morning to put your contacts in. glasses are easier to handle, though, so i think you should get glasses first. and after a year or two, get contacts.

*i had glasses for 6 years, and then finally got contacts.
2007-08-15 13:33:52 UTC
Well I've learned that contacts for me are the best choice because Iook a lot better and once you get used to it and the only times it hurts is when

(a) At the begining

(b) When you have been wearing them too long

(c) If they are dirty
BOOM-ting =0
2007-08-15 13:33:46 UTC
Its a tricky one, but contacts are expensive, and glasses are coming into fashion, im not a fan of glasses personally, but im a teenage idiot :P. Your choice, if your like me and do not have the right shape face for glasses, get some nice bright eyed contacts! =) x
2007-08-15 13:30:29 UTC
actually, when you get contacts, you can't sleep in some of them so you should have a cheap pair of glasses at night, or if your contact keeps messing up or you run out.

contacts are easy and i like them a lot better than my glasses, mainly because of the way i look and the amount of stuff i can see.
2007-08-15 13:31:09 UTC
get glasses first, they are easier in most cases. Contacts can be as low as $25 a box, so if you know your Rx then maybe in a few weeks you can get a box of contacts, but glasses will do until then
2016-10-02 13:45:49 UTC
nicely my opinion is contacts I placed on them and there are its reward and its risks its reward is that once you circulate to the coastline you're actually not meant to placed on your glasses so its extreme high quality to have your contacts they make you seem extra desirable and that i think of its acutally extra handy to work out in them. The risks to them are that for the duration of the morning there a soreness to get in. you may desire to place them in form of suck to... and you may't nod off in them. and that they often times fall out of your eye. yet i like my contacts.
2007-08-15 13:37:47 UTC
I have had glasses since i was 10Yrs old (I am 28 now) anyways, I like having glasses, i think they add character. Using different styles and color make it fun, plus the comments u get from people.
2007-08-22 16:18:29 UTC
well. if you can tget both then start with glasses. then eventually you can get contacts. because if you really need glasses that bad, you will want them 24/7, like glasses
2007-08-15 13:31:10 UTC
those are really cute glasses. i like the brown 1s the best though. u chose. the glasses r preety but if u wear contacts, u can change ur eye color. but glasses tend to fall off often and they get irritating & ul get tired of them soon but contacts can irritate ur eyes really badly. ask ur parents.
OOO! I know! I know!
2007-08-15 13:32:22 UTC
Contacts are higher maintainance and take getting used to. I would stick with glasses.
2007-08-15 13:31:23 UTC
I want to have contacts, but my eyesight is so bad that my eye doctor said not to get them. I also have bad allergies.

If I were you I would go with contacts and get those glasses so you can wear them when you allergies flar up. If you have allergies.
2007-08-15 13:36:23 UTC
well, im getting mine really soon, but remember if you get contacts you have to get glasses too, cause u cant wear contacts every second of your life

im gettin glasses like that but instead of the blue thing its green
2007-08-15 13:29:49 UTC
Well, it would be much easier if you got glasses first, as contacts will need loads of getting used to. But, it would be better to get both, just in case. You want to make sure if your glasses fit, if they are comfortable, and if you can see clearly through them. Contacts need lots of patience. You need to see if you are able to put them properly in your eye and you need to make sure you get used to it for protection and comfortability.
2007-08-15 13:31:46 UTC
get both becasue some days you might not want to wear contacts so you put on the glasses and the oppisite
2007-08-15 13:40:51 UTC
I have glasses and wished I had gotten contacts instead. I wound up barely ever using my glasses...
2007-08-15 13:32:29 UTC
You could get both. That's what most people do. You could start with glasses if you wanted.
Tim Buck
2007-08-15 13:30:41 UTC
I'd say glasses because they are less of a hassle. Also, take the black ones :p
2007-08-15 13:32:58 UTC
2007-08-15 13:31:48 UTC
well if its your frist time having glasses i would go with glasses then in a year switch to contacs...thats what i did and its a lot easy because your not keeping track of your glasses offf plus its easyer

hih(hope i help)!!!!
2007-08-15 13:41:25 UTC
contacts. its better to get both, but f u can only have one then i say contacts. theey r way more convient then glasses
2007-08-15 13:30:54 UTC
with contacts:

-eyes can get infected

-contact can get lost in eye

-hard to take out

-easy to lose

-hard to take care of


-easy to take off

-easy to lose and find


those glasses are hot!
2007-08-15 13:29:39 UTC
get both ...sometimes glasses other times contacts
2007-08-15 13:35:44 UTC
you don't need glasses i think you beautiful just the way you are
2007-08-15 13:32:42 UTC
i have both b/c wen i dont have time to put my contacts on i just grab my glasses trust me its worth it.......
2007-08-15 13:31:28 UTC
i think you should get both so you can get used to one or the other
2007-08-15 13:32:45 UTC
those glasses are really cute & in!

but i would say..contacts.
2007-08-15 13:29:55 UTC
2007-08-15 17:46:55 UTC
both fer sure
··¤HiS PRiNCESS¤··
2007-08-15 18:19:19 UTC
2007-08-15 13:30:19 UTC
Get will be glad you did.
B0rn 2 Flyy
2007-08-15 13:30:33 UTC
2007-08-15 13:30:11 UTC
2007-08-15 13:29:44 UTC
2007-08-15 13:44:46 UTC
2007-08-15 13:31:54 UTC
get both! there are pros and cons of both!
2007-08-15 13:31:34 UTC
Sexy Mama :)
2007-08-15 13:33:10 UTC
CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU LOOK LIFE YOUR AVATAR... CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-15 13:29:32 UTC

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