Americans, why do you have such low beauty standards?
2015-09-10 01:42:26 UTC
I lived in South Korea for a long time and their beauty standards are much higher

there is pressure to look beautiful.

Koreans value pale and soft skin, skinny bodies, big eyes, pointy thin noses, V shaped face etc

basically anime is the model for beauty in far east asia

In America not so much...

why does American have such low beauty standards?
88 answers:
2015-09-14 17:12:06 UTC
What if I asked you why you base your beauty standards off of fictional characters? Please think before you ask a somewhat offensive question. You should know by now that everybody has their own opinions. Everywhere around the world, there is a different beauty standard. There is no such thing as a low beauty standard. If I asked you that question, you'd probably be confused because you think that you have "high beauty standards". So does America. Some people don't like the way people put makeup on. That's fine, because everyone has different opinions.
2015-09-15 05:26:47 UTC
Because the uglier, more stupid and fatter you are the more welfare you get. Did you know that 34 of the 50 states pay out welfare higher than the minimum wage is. you make more money staying home collecting welfare then if you worked.

Check this out

Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per

hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing.

Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent "salary" that

welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:

1. Hawaii: $60,590

2. District of Columbia: $50,820

3. Massachusetts: $50,540

4. Connecticut: $44,370

5. New York: $43,700

6. New Jersey: $43,450

7. Rhode Island: $43,330

8. Vermont: $42,350

9. New Hampshire: $39,750

10. Maryland: $38,160

11. California: $37,160

12. Oregon: $34,300

13. Wyoming: $32,620

14. Nevada: $29,820

15. Minnesota: $29,350

16. Delaware: $29,220

17. Washington: $28,840

18. North Dakota: $28,830

19. Pennsylvania: $28,670

20. New Mexico: $27,900

21. Montana: $26,930

22. South Dakota: $26,610

23. Kansas: $26,490

24. Michigan: $26,430

25. Alaska: $26,400

26. Ohio: $26,200

27. North Carolina: $25,760

28. West Virginia: $24,900

29. Alabama: $23,310

30. Indiana: $22,900

31. Missouri: $22,800

32. Oklahoma: $22,480

33. Louisiana: $22,250

34. South Carolina: $21,910
2015-09-14 07:30:50 UTC
Sweetie, someone needs to teach you not to generalize.

This is a nation of 315 million people. No one thinks or looks the same way. Many Americans care how they look; many others do not. That's as it should be.

I think it's quite unfortunate that Korean women are pressured to have the same look and to undergo plastic surgery to achieve it. There's something very wrong with that. We do not admire such conformity in the US, we do not admire making people feel inferior and unattractive because they do not meet a particular standard, have a particular look. That can cause great trauma and lifelong distress.

Beauty standards? You'd be far better off if you changed your beauty standards. American women certainly are.
2015-09-12 06:35:45 UTC
There's no such thing as a 'low beauty standard'. You Koreans/Asians are just insecure about your true looks. You just mentioned that "Koreans value pale and soft skin, skinny bodies, big eyes, pointy thin noses, V-shaped face", but none of you have that? You get plastic surgeries to look like that? In fact, we in the west find the description you just mentioned very hideous. Embrace your culture and looks. Don't try to copy others to make you feel good. Be yourself.
2015-09-10 08:37:27 UTC
South Koreans and Americans don't have the same beauty standards because we have different cultures and value different things. Curvy girls are loved here in the States, whereas a thinner body is prefered in South Korea.

We don't have low beauty standards by any means. Most people have different standards of beauty. Some like pale skin, some like tan skin. Its differs from person to person as many people have different likes and dislikes. Imagine how boring the world would be if we all had the same beauty standards, nobody would beautiful by being themself.

So, nobody has "low" beauty standards in my opinion. We all have DIFFERENT beauty standards! The US being a very racially diverse country means different looking women who come from different parts of the world giving a better look at what beauty really is rather than having the same hair color, skin color and physical look.

Beauty isn't what you look like, it's what you are.

For me, beauty is what you are rather than what you look like. I feel more beautiful when I forget about what I look like, let my hair loose and be myself.

Not having to conform to what people think is beautiful is what makes me feel beautiful. ♡
2015-09-12 13:10:42 UTC
Ask that to latinos. They value bigger curves and a bigger bust most. We in America value tons of makeup, skinny people (and we're really strict on that), flawless bodies and faces, I can't really tell because of everyone's opinions, but I think too many people wish they were Kim Kardashian, and we go crazy over hourglass bodies.

I think we have low beauty standards, but for another reason. Men are controlled by hormones, there are bullies, and I end up laughing at clothing I could of worn as a kid, when I was really skinny and picky. That means clothing that is designed for slim people. People who have bigger cup sizes in band or bust end up with a size large or extra large in womens, which makes it worse.

Also, more people don't watch anime here than you guys and most of us watch it illegally. Also, most people who watch it are men. Go figure. I like Korean and Japanese beauty products. I am a manga and anime fan, but I am no creep.
2015-09-10 19:02:42 UTC
I'm South Korean living in America, and I can assure you, we all have different standards. I used to think the EXACT same way when I first came here, but I realized that this is really not true. For Americans, it's hourglass figures with big eyes, long hair, and long legs. For Koreans, it's pale skin, large eyes, ski slope noses, v-shaped chin, blah blah blah. I have darker skin but no one comments on that whenever I visit Korea. I have smaller eyes than regular Americans and I'm a friggin stick when it comes to body figure but no one comments on that here. WHO GIVES A F*CK OK WE'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL.
2015-09-11 05:55:46 UTC
It is only your opinion that American beauty standards are lower. What they are is more inclusive and varied. Korea has an extremely homogenous population and America benefits from an extremely diversified population.

The standards aren't lower in America--just different. To us, if everyone was thin, pale, with big eyes and pointy chins that would be incredibly boring.
2015-09-16 22:54:20 UTC
"pale and soft skin, skinny bodies, big eyes, pointy thin noses, V shaped face"? You mean like stereotypical caucasian girls in America? If I read that description alone, I would not have guessed you were describing a Korean girl. Asians typically have flatter noses, and HOLD UP. BIG EYES??? You mean those circle lens that make your eyes look bigger or the cosmetic surgery? I'm Asian-American, and even I know that Asian people don't generally have huge eyes. That's a joke. It doesn't make sense to talk down another country when your description of being "beautiful" is a description of a completely different race (cough cough white girls in America). Plus, I doubt most Koreans think the way you do. The country is split in half because y'all can't even agree on things.
2015-09-16 01:59:40 UTC
You did not elaborate how South Korea has higher beauty standards. All you did was DESCRIBE the standard of beauty in South Korea. Everyone has different standards. The scale of beauty or preferred one is all an opinion; you can't make that into an valid and factual argument.
Ayanna Perez
2015-09-17 02:45:00 UTC
What do you mean by we have low beauty standards? Here in America, people value makeup, hair, clothes, shoes, and size. We even have plastic surgery. Personally, I believe people are beautiful in their own way. I don't understand why people think they have to look a certain way to be beautiful. Why not just be natural?
2015-09-11 18:57:09 UTC
I personally do not find those Korean standards beautiful. They can be cute at times, but Americans have standards that are both beautiful as well as sexy. The tan/bronze look is very hot on both females and males.
2015-09-10 05:47:16 UTC
Better question: Koreans, why do you have such impossible to achieve beauty standards? Why do you put so much pressure on girls to strive for and obsees over unrealistic standards of perfection? Why do Koreans value attributes that are not naturally part of asian skin (pale, pink, no warm or sallow undertones?) Why do you force people to try and look like illustrations and not like real people? Anime characters are drawings, fantasy and not real. This would be like western standards being based on cartoons like Monster High or Hey Arnold, or Phineas and Ferb. No one has a heads shaped like a triangles or football. And we all know that cartoons are not real so the animator can make a character look as far as eye shape, hair length, skin color and more. We know these are fantasy and not reality. Or imagine if we based our standards on Disney Princesses or Barbie dolls -which is sort of what Korean standards are as described by you. These standards are even less realistic. No one has a Disney cartoon body or face or a Barbie doll body. We teach girls that these are not real people and nobody normal looks like that.

So a better question: Why do Koreans base their standards on Fantasy rather than reality? I think that's more strange than the Western ideal of natural beauty and the idea that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. Why are Korean standards so narrow in their definition? Why can't they be more inclusive, the way western standards are? I think the Korean ideal is dangerous because it is so narrowly defined and so impossible for the average girl to achieve, while the western ideal that celebrates everyone's uniqueness is mush better and far less damaging to the self esteem of the average girl. Only one type of Korean girl fits the standard while all western girls are seen as having their own unique beauty. Maybe it's time for Korea to get real about beauty and stop setting the bar so impossibly high.
2015-09-16 12:20:18 UTC
Firstly, the standards of beauty are very high in America.

It's just that most people there understand that there's more to a person than how you look.

This is why people should watch American sitcoms, not K-pop. There are much more wholesome messages.
2015-09-14 16:14:34 UTC
Everyone values different things.

For me?

I think that being beautiful means having nice hair and being comfortable with yourself. Seriously. Asking someone to look like a white toothpick is awful for one's self esteem- You wonder why your country has the highest suicide rate. You pressure people to screw with their body using plastic surgery and the like.

Some people tell me they like my eyes but my lips aren't their type.

My sister is someone's type, but I am not- We're completely opposite of each other.

Yes, I think that, in general, Asians are the most beautiful race. Yet, when I look at a girl, they're only pretty if they're natural and love themselves. I cannot stress that enough.
Mir Quasem
2015-09-10 22:53:14 UTC
Americans possess 'higher' beauty standards.
2015-09-13 12:15:17 UTC
We have very high beauty standards that change constantly. Right now, thick thighs, big hips, booty, and busts are in. Also, your eyebrows HAVE to be perfect. You can't be overweight, but you can't be a twig. Not too much makeup, but enough. Don't look basic, but wear what's in. It's all very contradicting and stupid. You DO NOT have to follow beauty standards. Do what makes you confident and happy.
2015-09-11 16:31:48 UTC
I don't really like your beauty standards. Sorry honey, I'm not attracted to Koreans the same way I am Spaniards, or Swedes. By the way, who are you to say NON-pale skin is unattractive? My mom lived in S.Kr. for a few years and experienced a disgustingly racist society. You guys aren't special.
2015-09-10 03:41:12 UTC
It seems like magazines are telling people what's beautiful more than people deciding that for themselves.

Like magazines are full of so-called "models" who have skin colour 4 shades darker than what they were born with, oiled, shiny and so skinny you can see their bones.

NOT hot.

I think the standards are just *different* in the US. They still value beauty but I think the women are just confused what they're supposed to believe so they just listen to whatever the media says (mostly bullshit) and take that as their standard.

Personally, I value soft-looking skin. Skin colour should be approximately the colour you were born with. Most people I know that tan tend to have leathery/patchy skin and it looks ******. People born with natural tan skin look far better than the ones that go from pale to tan. I've also seen hot white girls and hot black girls. So it's not really the colour but it's how much you change it (keep sun exposure down, etc.). And your body should be skinny but I shouldn't see any bones. Basically "not fat/chubby".

Eyes/nose/face aren't really an issue. They tend to work themselves out. I find in Asian countries though, they seem to be an issue because people apparently don't like the stereotypical small eyes, flat noses and round faces. There's a mix of all "face types" in the US so stuff like that isn't really noticed.

(to be honest I'm not from the US but I guess Australia is quite similar in this regard so I pitched in)
2015-09-12 13:23:22 UTC
The standards are not lower AT ALL but just different like Sama says. America places huge emphasis on plastic surgery and magazines are immense pressure for women to be beautiful and stay thin. You are simply misinformed
2015-09-11 16:38:56 UTC
Koreans are more insecure than Americans. That's why beauty standards are higher there.
2015-09-12 13:10:39 UTC
Beauty standards don't help people in poverty or change the evils in the world. Why are you worried about beauty standards when there are people dying in the world. When there are children homeless. Priorities are all messed up. When you go to the next world, people are going to careless what you liked like physically. They are going to want to know what you did to help out others.
2015-09-12 12:17:16 UTC
Koreans are not such beautiful,they have short height,their hair color is not nice,their eyes are tight,their hair is with some one like Sharon stone in youth
2015-09-10 21:00:10 UTC
If you're talking about physical beauty, Americans have stricter standards.

If you're talking about inner beauty, it's because Americans don't value that.
2015-09-12 11:04:43 UTC
We don't, just most people here don't care to follow them. What you see on t.v. and when you actually come here are two very different things. American society relies on photoshop, extensive plastic surgery (most people do not have the money to undergo one, much less multiple surgeries to achieve it), make-up, and perfect lighting to make our people look perfect. Also if you take a look at our society people here are lazy. No one wants to get up and do anything and they get mad when other people are thought of as attractive. Especially women. Most women don't take care of their looks. They don't care to. So they develop a sense of entitlement because most of us are unattractive anyways. I take decent care of my body for an American. I'm active, I watch my eating, I take care of my hair, skin, and teeth, and I also wear nice clothes. I love to look nice, but I don't go out of my way to portray the American ideal, which here is an oversized bust, golden skin, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a microscopic waist, wide hips, and a butt that weighs 20lbs on it's own. Most American women think that you have to look like that in order to be beautiful here, so most don't even try to improve their looks or take care of themselves. We also have a shitty economy so most people get depressed, worry so much about bills and finances that they don't have the time to look nice. You also have the popular fat acceptance thing going around. Now I think that a person who is a little chubby, a few pounds overweight can live a healthy lifestyle just like the rest of us, but when you're more fat than muscle or you tip the scale at 400lbs at 5'6 then we have a problem. Our foods are stuffed with high amounts of calories, our portion sizes are scary, and we glorify fatty foods and unhealthy lifestyles. So on one hand we tell our citizens you have to look like the celebs on t.v. to be beautiful, and on the other hand we tell our citizens that it is okay to be fat, lazy, and eat crap all day.
2015-09-10 16:48:58 UTC
There are a majority of women in the States that are beautiful without makeup and there's beauty in all sizes and shapes here and all around the world. Not all of the women are pressured into wanting to look beautiful. To me it's all in confidence and how you present yourself rather than the makeup on your face
2015-09-12 10:09:12 UTC
They don't have low beauty standards.

YOU may think they have, but opinions exist!

"Pale skin.."

So darker skin is ugly?

"Skinny bodies.."

Fat shaming much?

Everyone is their own beautiful, so stop judging us.

Anyway, you can not tell if a person is from America based on their looks.

Let me guess, when you see an obese girl in your neighborhood, you immediately think "Oh, she's an American!"

And let me tell you, there are many beautiful girls in America.

YOU may not think so. But opinions exist. So go **** yourself if you think "America has low beauty standards."
2015-09-10 22:36:38 UTC
Beauty comes in many different colors. What you think beauty is can be totally different compared to what another might think beauty is. So you might think our beauty standards are different here but they just as well might be equal or of greater amount. Only because one eye sees beauty completely different than another.
2015-09-12 12:23:41 UTC
Its not low beauty standards, but beauty can be in all shapes, colors, and sizes here. Plus all of us prefer to be beautiful in our own way instead of trying to look like a barbie or cartoon character. Curvy bodies are BEAUTIFUL. Skinny bodies are BEAUTIFUL. All races are BEAUTIFUL. End of story.
2015-09-12 01:54:18 UTC
US citizens are just now finding that the blackened skin we liked to get from a sun tan is very bad for us. Cancers are popping out all over 50/60 + people. We are finding that exercise is necessary and eating the right foods are important. I think older countries have always know this.
2015-09-13 21:48:33 UTC
I'm asian and i found every country has beautiful girls and ugly ones who are delusional that they have way too high beauty standards than the rest of the world. Beauty is nothing to me my dear, i love the way i am, i have curves, feminine and mostly good hearts. without those thick makeup, medication to make your body attractive,surgery and skimpy dress, i still find a guy around the world like to date me.
2015-09-12 14:21:46 UTC
we do have beauty standards! They're just quite different from south korean ones. I'd say that everywhere people feel pressure to look beautiful.
2015-09-11 19:12:22 UTC
I wouldn't say low beauty standards. I would say American beauty standards are more varied.
2015-09-12 17:45:11 UTC
America is a humongous country. There is no one standard of beauty. Some people have European backgrounds, Asian backgrounds, African backgrounds, Latin backgrounds, and mixes thereof. There are different climates in America, requiring different types of clothing. Beachy, wintry, etc. It would be impossible to pin us down to one standard.
2015-09-10 07:07:07 UTC
Agrees with Linda s. That's how they were raised. So when they grow up like that then that's what they strive for. That's why the united states is called the land of the free. Because we are free to do whatever we want
2015-09-13 17:00:55 UTC
We do not have low beauty standards, we just have different standards. Here, we like blonde hair, tan skin, big blue eyes, and full lips.
2015-09-10 19:34:34 UTC
Our cultures are different.

Also (most) Americans aren't obsessed with anime.

Seriously why would you want to look like a cartoon? They're drawings.
2015-09-10 15:05:35 UTC
I read an article once on how the K-Pop industry thinks that tan skin is dark and ugly.

It made me feel so bad because I wonder what they'd think of my, with my curly afro and actually dark skin!

Korean beauty standards are the result of internalized racism, btw.
2015-09-12 12:52:37 UTC
Its a different culture with different set of beliefs that dictate how beauty is supposed to be. We don't have "lower standards."
2015-09-11 20:15:10 UTC
i agree with anoumous.well said. beauty is being youre self! americans have a high standard to
2015-09-11 04:10:12 UTC
Beauty does not come with standards.
2015-09-12 17:22:04 UTC
That's weird because Americans have plastic surgery...a lot of them!! Everyone cares about physical looks and not your character or personality unfortunately =/
2015-09-12 16:06:14 UTC
Sorry but Koreans do not have naturally pale skin and they certainly do not have big eyes! I am friends with a Korean family who have quite darkish skin, tiny eyes and wide noses. They are quite pretty. But they are not as you describe.

I am from the UK and am half Irish, I have very pale skin, big dark eyes and dark hair. My friends say I have a doll face. Some people find me attractive but some don't. I don't really care actually. There is nothing wrong with American beauty standards. Beauty is not about looking false. Each country has girls who care about their looks and girls who don't care.

Why would you want to look the same a everyone else.
2015-09-12 15:09:37 UTC
Koreans all have plastic surgery and a thick layer of makeup, which I think is awful.

Natural women are more beautiful.
2015-09-13 02:46:37 UTC
2015-09-11 22:33:06 UTC
All in the eyes of the beholders. There are beautiful girls in every culture. Physical beauty truly is a matter of opinion.

docster45 on yahoo messenger
2015-09-11 16:44:05 UTC
Simply because BEAUTY COMES IN ALL COLORS, SHAPES, SIZES and WHATEVER! Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Screw beauty standards! South Koreans do surgery to be who they are not. and they all end up looking the same...boring. If you only had sweaters of the same style and color in your closet, wouldn t you get tired of that?
military supporter
2015-09-10 12:21:08 UTC
You do understand anime is all cartoon? It is not real. As for American beauty standards, the USA ranks in the top ten countries for beauty. South Korea does not.
2015-09-11 20:14:05 UTC
Asians always look ugly and are chinks or gooks. Real women are either white, black or hispanic. The best looking ones are extremely beautiful, and even the above average looking ones are much more beautiful than the "best" Koreans.
2015-09-12 07:41:53 UTC
You're not very bright are you? Our beauty standards are extremely high
2015-09-13 13:56:48 UTC
In America, you are not highly judged by your looks. People create their own trends and styles which other people sometimes copy. For example, some of the stuff lady gaga would wear.
2015-09-16 09:17:23 UTC
South Korea is also the plastic surgery capital of the world. Where all of the girls get double eyelid surgery so they can look less Korean and more American... go figure.
2015-09-13 19:18:37 UTC
America isn t 99% the same ethnicity. What one ethnicity sees as beauty can be quite different than what another sees beauty as.
2015-09-12 19:03:20 UTC
Americans are as shallow and superficial as South Korea.
NPG Starlett
2015-09-10 18:23:58 UTC
oh, yeah, America has very high standards. Americans strive on curvy bodies and long hair for girls, and muscular bodies for men.
2015-09-11 05:45:50 UTC
Because they are two completely different cultures? So they have different standards, both of which are negatively impacting
2015-09-12 10:12:09 UTC
There is no such thing
2015-09-13 12:21:44 UTC
Perhaps we aren't under the illusion that you must be beautiful in order to be worth something.
2015-09-12 14:08:16 UTC
Koreans have inferiority complex regarding white people aesthetic.
2015-09-12 16:38:22 UTC
We all have an ideal beauty. What you find beautiful might be hideous to others. By the way, the beauty you described were all "Thank you, doctors".
2015-09-14 11:57:42 UTC
South Korea is known for plastic surgery so... hahaha
2015-09-11 21:45:32 UTC
because americans hypnotise themselves with the "fact" that they are beautiful,and stop trying to kepp up with reality,and their real appearance. AND MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP CRITISIZING AMERICANS!! JUST BECAUSE KOREANS LIKE SOFT SKINED POINTY NOSED PEOPLE DOESENT MEAN YOU CAN INSULT US!!!! maybe we can work this out right now m8!!!!
2015-09-10 16:11:14 UTC
Ha, they want to look like us by using plastic surgery and **** tons of makeup. We are just happy with how we look, as we should be.
2015-09-10 19:58:51 UTC
Haha, low standards does "Rub & Tug" mean any thing too you!
2015-09-11 03:26:26 UTC
Because they are from totally different places.
2015-09-12 20:56:08 UTC
Curves! We like dark skin and curves!! You guys would never survive in Africa.
2015-09-11 08:40:59 UTC
because Americans weather type are like similar.than you should try something different
2015-09-12 09:34:13 UTC
Yr used to yr species of human. We in the west think the same of the Koreans, the chinese, asians etc.
2015-09-11 01:07:51 UTC
beauty is in eye of beholder
2015-09-15 09:50:44 UTC
you are look at Sexy so you beauty standard
2015-09-11 23:03:54 UTC
to you all you look like perfect "dolls" to majority of everyone you just look fake, childish, unnatural, stupid, and insecure. and why do you value pale skin so much?
2015-09-10 14:31:51 UTC
Its called acceptance.
2015-09-11 19:47:05 UTC
Because our woman are getting uglier and uglier, and our population, dumber and dumber.
2015-09-12 16:47:43 UTC
stfu Elvin you noob
2015-09-10 14:36:26 UTC
all girls are beautiful unless they do something evil hurting others
2015-09-14 06:33:56 UTC
beauty is in the eye beholder
2015-09-12 11:44:45 UTC
everyone has their own beauty
Barbara Q
2015-09-13 12:12:50 UTC
Wait what?
2015-09-12 14:41:08 UTC
2015-09-11 22:31:49 UTC
because its bout personality too
2015-09-11 10:51:03 UTC
they have different values. therefore they are different
2015-09-12 08:37:12 UTC
most americans are fat
Lima Beanzz
2015-09-10 17:56:57 UTC
Md. Arman
2015-09-15 08:02:16 UTC
you can go to the link:
2015-09-10 01:48:19 UTC
@TB12 that's what ugly people tell themselves to sleep at night
2015-09-13 16:01:56 UTC
everyone is different..
2015-09-10 06:55:18 UTC
they dumb
2015-09-11 21:29:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.