Okay believe it or not 100 isn't that bad... hit Ross Clothing Store,, or Clearance racks at JcPenney,, or better yet the Thrift store,,they have a bunch of name brand nice stuff there,, you just have to look.. and for the accessories, I would totally suggest Ross,, for the Hair supplies and makeup get them from CVS for nearly free with coupon/ECB deals and more,, I don't know if you are a clipper your self but I am and I have gotten more than 12 bottles of shampoo/conditioner/gel/spray all Sunsilk brand for about 3.00 TOTAL!!!
What I did was I went in about 3 weeks ago into CVS while they had that sale for buy one get one FREE on all Sunsilk product so I purchased 12 bottles total (all kinda stuff) and I had these coupons from the sunday newspaper for $3.00 off the purchase of any 2 sunsilk product,, they were priced at 3.49 each so 12 at 3.49BOGO FREE = $20.94 and I also got a bottle of CVS aspirin that was on sale (buy it at 4.00 and get back 4.00 in Extra Bucks) so my total came out to $24.94, I gave them my CVS coupon for $4.00 (you can find them at CVS.com - when you register for their email; its $4.00 off $20.00 purchase) bringing my total down to 20.94 than I gave them my six coupons for $3.00 each,, 20.94-18.00= 2.94 plus tax=3.18 TOTAL BUT than I got back 4.00 in Extra Bucks to use on my next purchase,, so its like I got free shampoo, conditioner, styler and a bottle of aspirin for free plus .82 MORE!!!! &&&&&& Makeup ..often Cover Girl would have these coupons that are B1G1 FREE,,and if you wait until they have a sale you can get the makeup for nearly free!! like my CVS had a sale for Buy $15 dollars worth of CoverGirl and get $5 back in Extra bucks,, what I did was I went in, purchased 2 items that are over 7.50 each,, like lipstick or whatever the coupon let me,, my coupon at that time was for buy foundation and get powder free,, so I went and got foundation for 9.89 and powder for 9.89,, came out to 19.78 and I purchased a hershey candy bar for .50 making my total to 20.28, than I gave them my $4 coupon (the same one stated above) bringing the total down to 16.28, than I gave them my B1G1 Free coupon bringing the total down to (16.28 - 9.89=6.39) so I paid the 6.39 plus tax = 6.91 THAN I got back the $5 EXTRA Bucks for buying over $15 in CoverGirl so its like I only spent 6.91-5.00=$1.91!!! for both foundation and powder
anyhow,, thats if you are a couponatic like me.. but if not I would wait for sales or settle for generic brands.
Good Luck and have fun!!!