Remember — Buying contact lenses without a prescription is dangerous!
Get a trial sample from your optometrist. He'll tell you which brand to use. They are not just a toy, to buy @ Walgreens, Target, etc. Do you know what size you need? They're not one size fits all!
Be kind to your eyes! Putting something foreign in your eyes can cause blindness. The FDA has received reports of corneal ulcers and blindness associated with some decorative contact lenses. You need to get a doctor's prescriptions and proper eyecare, you just can't buy them online, it's buyer beware.
An example of one with eye problem:
"I always wear clear contact lens because I'm far sighted
A year ago I tried to use the colored ones and they never done any damage to my eyes
Earlier this year I decided to go back using the clear ones
And now everytime I use colored lenses, there are irritations around my pupils
I thought it was the brand I was using but I kept on switching the brands and there will always irritations if I use color lenses."
Go to the FDA website & search Decorative Contact Lenses: Is Your Vision Worth It?
ALSO: Re: contact cleaners . . . . Promoted as “clinically proven #1 in comfort,” Clear Care lens cleaner’s product label is allegedly not clear enough about the dangers of improper use—resulting in hundreds of eye injuries, according to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), a nonprofit safety group that has been lobbying for stronger Clear Care product warning labeling since 2010.
Google: How Circle Lenses Ruined My Eyes.