There is truly no simple straight forward answer to this, because to me beauty is not just about the outwardness of a person it is also about the heart and what's inside the person... i know many people who to look you may say omg they are so beautiful, but the inside does not match the outer, and many people who looking at first time you may not think they are beautiful to look at , but as soon as you talk with them their inner beauty shines in their eyes they way they move etc... and you think omg they are such a beautiful person, and also like many have said in the eyes of the beholder.... to me there is absolute beauty in every thing it's just if we recognise it.
2007-09-04 07:01:00 UTC
Well Inner Beauty Is Most Important Which Means Someone Who Is Happy To Be Themselves...
Somesone Inner Beauty Is Their Personality, The Goodness In Their Personality & Even Their Flaws...
Outer Beauty Someone Feeling Comfortable With The Way They Look...
If Someone Feels Comfortable Wearing Make-Up Then Their Still Beautiful In The Way They Choose To Look...
If Someone Feels Better To Go Natural Then Their Beautiful Naturally Because Its The Way They Feel Beautiful..
2007-09-11 06:29:29 UTC
Real beauty isn't just about being born pretty and having a good figure. It is so much more. People can be beautiful when they have a wonderful smile and are happy with themselves. They radiate a glow which makes them stand out from the crowd. Beauty can also be in a voice which is calming and reassuring to the listener and most of all beauty can come from within a person. Someone who is helpful, kind and has time for others also have their own beauty and after all looks will fade in time and if you haven't got anything else such as personality or kindness you really are a plain person in the end. Go on, smile and your whole face lights up and your eyes shine ...... you are beautiful aren't you?????
2014-10-27 13:40:42 UTC
Most Important Which Means Someone Who Is Happy To Be Themselves...
Somesone Inner Beauty Is Their Personality, The Goodness In Their Personality & Even Their Flaws...
Outer Beauty Someone Feeling Comfortable With The Way They Look...
If Someone Feels Comfortable Wearing Make-Up Then Their Still Beautiful In The Way They Choose To Look...
If Someone Feels Better To Go Natural Th
2007-09-11 14:42:39 UTC
Beauty is the eyes of my husband every time we see each other, even tho we'll be married 35 years in October ! Beauty is in the laughing of children playing ! Beauty is in the eyes of my grandchildren when we are spending time together ! Beauty is in Memories of the same time that I spent with my 3 sons at that age ! Beauty is in taking care of my parents now, like they did for me when I was young !, Beauty is sharing with others who are less fortune than your self. Beauty is waking up each morning to Enjoy another Day Full of Surprises !, Beauty is knowing Jesus as your Savior ! Beauty is All Around Us....the flowers, the birds, the grass, bread baking, taking a ride in the country, walking the dog, visiting the neighbors, helping others. Beauty is Beauty !!!!!!
2007-09-03 05:05:44 UTC
Beauty is a breath taking sight! But not always on first appearances! Sometimes you have to explore the place or person to see or experience its real beauty! Beauty is something you find in everyone and everything be it appearance or personality!
2016-03-13 06:32:27 UTC
Classic beauty means a person matches the beauty criteria of a certain era or location : the current western beauty criteria are big eyes, small nose, plump lips, high chiseled cheekbones, sculpted jawline etc etc. Monalisa was a classic beauty at her time, now not so much anymore because the criteria change as time goes by !
KooKoo Moolookoo
2007-09-04 06:06:50 UTC
I think the word beauty is too undefined to mean anything in particular. It's has a lot of different meaings- one person could say true beauty is love, another could say true beauty is watching the sunrise, another could say Angelina Jolie is true beauty!
Me? I think all three of those things are beautiful!
2007-09-03 05:07:07 UTC
When I look out at a beautiful stormy sea, it fills me with a sense of freedom, and the feeling that anything is possible. Also I feel so grateful to be alive, and determined to make a difference. That's what beauty means to me.
2007-09-03 05:00:44 UTC
Physical beauty: Ingrid Bergman, Audrey Hepbun, Julie Christie.
Spiritual beauty: my wife
2007-09-11 18:07:55 UTC
It means having a good heart as well as a beautiful personality to go with it. Kind and considerate attitude. A loving person.
2007-09-04 04:32:40 UTC
in looks: flawless skin, white teeth, sparkly eyes, symmetrical features, rosy cheeks and a great smile.
personality: friendly, honest, playful, faithful, genuine and caring
for a celebrity i would have to choose Pamela anderson, just because she is so beautiful even though she is older than the teen queens around today and yet she is still so beautiful and a fantastic mother (by all accounts) and really loves animals too hence why she works with PETA. that to me is a truly beautiful woman with a warm heart.
2007-09-08 10:38:27 UTC
It means a lot of things to me...
I think beauty is something that you must have inside.
Beauty is simplicity, freshness, purity...
I don't believe that beauty = make-up
The make-up must be natural and it must match with the skin colours...
I've got a perfect skin because I usually don't put on my face too many creams or lotions.
Nivea cosmetics are quite good.
But I prefer water and soap on my soft skin...
2007-09-07 09:21:37 UTC
well i prefer a natural looking face i hate make up it hides the face from its natural beauty, i use a facial scrub never soap. then add hot water after that i apply 2 times a day baby lotion i have no wrinkles or facial lines i am 51 and my face is nice and soft i have been told by a beautican i look aged 34 i never let the sun burn my face and if in time i look like a old prune i certainly wouldnt go for detox or face lifts. i think they are waste of money and after all in our lords days they never bothered so why should we now there are so many vain people then take me as i am .
2007-09-04 10:30:44 UTC
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It is what you see in the other person's personality and character. But true beauty is beyond what's seen with the eyes. It is a reflection of a person's self confidence, love for his/her family, concern for other individuals, and respect to the community as a whole.
2007-09-03 04:59:48 UTC
beauty is something that is natural, anything that hasn't been enhanced artificially. whether that is a landscape untouched by man or the physical beauty of a person. a person who is beautiful on the inside is a caring, thoughtful kind person who holds no bitterness or malice towards others. i am yet to meet anyone who possesses both physical and inner beauty!
2007-09-03 03:48:27 UTC
A beautiful person...on the inside!
2007-09-03 12:23:44 UTC
Physical beauty may capture your attention but in reality its inner beauty that captures your heart.I think everyone has something beautiful about them, but a good personality is much harder to find.Beauty is only skin deep, true beauty comes from within.
Sweetie Pie
2007-09-10 10:12:00 UTC
Beauty is being Happy - when you are around you friends and loved ones and you can smile at each other for no particular reason - those smiles and inner happiness are signs of true beauty to me.
2014-10-28 06:00:44 UTC
of a person it is also about the heart and what's inside the person... i know many people who to look you may say omg they are so beautiful, but the inside does not match the outer, and many people who looking at first time you may not think they are beautiful to look at , but as soon as you talk with them their inner beauty shines in their eyes they way they move etc... and you think omg they are such a beautiful person, and also like many have said in the eyes of the beholder.... to me there is absolute beauty in every thing it's just if we recognise it.
Asker's rating & comment
2007-09-08 08:56:12 UTC
Beauty is not on the outside ots on the inside. Some can be very pretty but it doesnt mean they are on the inn as they may have a very nasty personalty
2007-09-11 15:01:45 UTC
Outer beauty gets attention.
Inner beauty keeps it.
2007-09-09 18:36:12 UTC
Beauty to me isnt all about looks it is a bout how you feel and how you let others see you like you dress appropriate and nice smell good etc.. beauty is not all about looks
2007-09-11 01:41:53 UTC
True beauty to me is being able to wake up in the morning have a shower looking after your skin and put on a nice outfit without being worried about make up....ha ha....
2007-09-03 05:09:04 UTC
Beauty is something that is admired and adored. Beauty can be in two forms outer and inner. Something that is pleasant and remarkable. This is just a vague idea!!
2007-09-03 05:05:21 UTC
true beauty is the kind that never fades, and never dulls.
true beauty is when you look at someone, and despite all the flaws and blemishes, you can still think. "i love you, and i'm the luckiest person in the world".
true beauty comes from the soul.
Barbara Doll to you
2007-09-03 03:46:32 UTC
Beauty is the spice of life. It may be in the eyes of the beholder, but it makes you feel good. There's nothing like a beautiful piece of art, or a car, or even a view.
2007-09-11 00:15:29 UTC
beauty to me means what gift god gave u when u came out ur moms womb and the personality and the facial charateristics god gave his child. it aint about being is not good to be cause u dont look better than every body on this earth and if god seems as though u are what u make him seem he can take the beauty from u just like he gave it to u!that's what beauty means to me from my prospective!
2007-09-05 05:42:36 UTC
Beauty is only skin deep and in the eye of the beholder.
2007-09-03 04:05:03 UTC
"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" .. that's what others definition of beauty. I believe that "Beauty is something aesthetically pleasing to the eyes of someone". Every individual has its own standards of beauty, has its own idea and perception of what is beautiful. So i guess, it would be proper to define beauty according to what is pleasing to the eyes of someone.
2007-09-05 04:45:48 UTC
Inner calmness, a person who shines through the most difficult times with a smile because they know there is someone worse off than of themselves for others....doing tasks which others find repulsive.....modest folk helping others without looking for a reward....
2007-09-11 01:18:00 UTC
Beauty: qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses.
Rhea B
2007-09-11 11:50:27 UTC
Clear eyes and skin, laugh lines, eyes that are bright and aware. A smile that can make an old man wish he was 20,and the ability to look on all people lovingly.
2007-09-11 14:30:41 UTC
Skin?? clean, or just enough makeup for the "accent", the natural highlight, or a glow to natural sunshine. Freckles can be muted but not covered up.
Hair?? Less chemicals, less lotions. More to the natural FLOW.
Lotions for Flat hair to a flat personality.
Color accents the skin and hair. Spring, summer, fall, winter!
2007-09-03 12:36:06 UTC
One who has the ability to make others feel important, beautiful, and happy themselves.
2007-09-03 04:35:47 UTC
Beauty means pleasant in the eyes
& pleasant to be with :D
♥ mommy to Ameliá born 23Jul09 ♥
2007-09-03 03:44:43 UTC
When I can be bothered to do something with myself if Ive got somewhere to go, but also maintaining a good beauty rountine .. face wash , face masks , shave etc but it also means my boyfriend to and the inner beauty in eveyone aswell as simplicity looking like a clown is not good :0)
2007-09-11 22:58:27 UTC
to me beauty is a general thing meaning starting from the inside to the to me means feling lovely and accepted.looking smart from the way you dress to your personality..
2007-09-03 04:07:01 UTC
Happiness shining through someones eyes, it will make anyone look beautiful.
2007-09-11 20:59:48 UTC
beauty is the way you stand up tall and strong! it is the way you feel confident about yourself! Like nothing could crush your spirits ! Everyone has beauty .
2007-09-11 18:22:45 UTC
to me it means your personality ... if you have a great personality I think you will shine... as people w. an ugly soul you can see right trough them... so just enjoy life and laugh alot and you will get noticed for your beauty inside and out...
2007-09-05 08:04:12 UTC
When you love yourself. Love yourself on the inside shows on the outside.
Being yourself is beauty
2007-09-08 11:28:09 UTC
A person who doesnt care about what is on the outside and loves everyone no matter what they have done in the past or what they look like...
2007-09-04 08:56:00 UTC
2007-09-03 22:17:47 UTC
true beauty lies from what's inside your heart - your attitude and your character towards yourself and other people. ^_^
We are all created beautifully because we created in the image and likeness of God. That's why, in the eyes of God everyone is wonderfully made. No one is ugly in His sight.
2007-09-03 03:49:17 UTC
beauty is a person who is happy with how they look and feel, and it really shows on the outside.
2007-09-03 12:38:12 UTC
being yourself
everybody has beauty in them
George B
2007-09-09 15:27:55 UTC
Looking in the Mirror
jeano x
2007-09-04 13:24:38 UTC
true beauty is on the inner as well as the outer. you dont have to be pretty to have beauty.
2007-09-03 04:39:05 UTC
to me, beauty is bein a beautiful person, it may mean looks and it may mean personality, or both, that you are one very nice and calm person.
2007-09-03 04:18:19 UTC
looking beautiful x
2007-09-07 04:10:34 UTC
Loving yourself for what you are and accepting everyone else for what they are, everyone has beauty in someones eyes.
2007-09-11 16:04:00 UTC
beauty is only skin deep,, Beauty is inside the person the heart and soul
2007-09-10 10:01:29 UTC
something unique
well looked after
angel like
2007-09-05 18:15:13 UTC
a cold crispy walk in the park.
looking beyond the sea on a grey day.
peaches(my cat) sleeping on my bed.
looking at a windowpane while rain hits it.
Brian eno's "deep blue day".
Brian eno's "An Ending (Ascent)",
2007-09-03 04:37:26 UTC
hi 2 all of u
true beauty internal beauty of ur self...n if u r beautiful frm inside...u look pretty frm outside too...ur face is de mirror of ur ur heart....if u hv gud feelings fr evry1 dat means ur heart is beautiful n so dat u luk so...n de most important thing is 2 present ur self wid confidence.....confident brain,soft hearted n sweet spoken...dat is beauty fr me....
2007-09-11 04:01:19 UTC
Quality of a person's heart, not the physical appearance.
2007-09-08 00:58:28 UTC
good shape body not too skinny long hair & good looking face but most of all is the body shape , good manners & behaive
& gentle treat talkative respectful , natural without surgeries
2007-09-10 14:46:47 UTC
beauty is something that comes from the inside and it is something that cannot be faked. a person can be the most pretty/handsome person on the outside but be the most ugliest on the inside.
2007-09-10 02:38:11 UTC
A kind heart and an ability to make people smile when they are as low as they can be.
2007-09-03 12:08:16 UTC
umm what is the person's outlook to different things adn being genuine kind and has a good personality it doesn't matter the looks what matter is deep inside!
2016-04-05 08:55:08 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site
if some one told me that I would consider myself highly complimented, it pretty much means your pretty by yourself you don't need trends, make up, or fashion styles to make you stand out.
2007-09-11 20:06:05 UTC
Inner confidence; being well-groomed; aware off your outer appearance; nice make-up or complexion; clean grooming.
2007-09-03 04:38:44 UTC
Honesty, Forgiveness, Courage and Being able to love yourself. No-one can love you unless YOU love you.
2007-09-03 04:00:08 UTC
My Life
2007-09-03 13:18:53 UTC
it means to like
2007-09-03 05:41:30 UTC
Beauty is a opinion.
But mine is, clean, healthy & wearing cloths to suit they body & hair.
2007-09-11 09:45:36 UTC
beauty means stretcher of body look like sexy ,comfortable for everything, look like me
In love!
2007-09-11 15:53:36 UTC
Being able to have wake up and get all fixed up looking and smelling so good! having time for yourself!
vixen xx
2007-09-03 04:11:15 UTC
whats on the inside, true feelings, honesty, mutual respect.....and a small amount of define-a-lash and barry m kohl
2007-09-03 05:06:29 UTC
a beauiful personality!
kind and funny personality! that is true beauty!
2007-09-09 04:13:40 UTC
Confidence in yourself and a warm heart.
2007-09-03 06:23:39 UTC
Good looks, nice clothes, confidence, poise and a nice personality
Freddie K
2007-09-11 18:40:38 UTC
Pushing the envelope in EVERY sense of the word. Make people stare, make them think, and then prove their stereotypes WRONG! Push it, baby!
2007-09-11 01:54:52 UTC
they say it's inner but for me that's kindess so beauty is the you think who you are
2007-09-05 08:44:59 UTC
kindness, caring, forgiving not always good looks but thats what it's normally based round
2007-09-11 16:19:10 UTC
being happy with myself when i look in the mirror. not a model looking back but someone i am not digusted to look at daily
2007-09-03 13:21:51 UTC
Health, attitude, personality and general "right" esthetics.
2007-09-03 03:50:07 UTC
Inner strength, integrity, eyes that are lively and inquisitive, all can make you beautiful even if you are not conventionally so.
2007-09-07 12:58:15 UTC
Good personality and one's own confidence...
If you feel pretty you project that image
2007-09-03 03:46:21 UTC
i believe that beuty is the way you express yourself, and everyone can express themselves in which ever way they wish, we are all beutiful its just some choose not to get to know peoples beuty.
Love Jenn
2007-09-11 19:29:48 UTC
it comes from within, but i like to hear a nice compliment on my appearance too.
Huggles [mozzafan]
2007-09-04 10:57:37 UTC
AHHHH it always comes down to personality
2007-09-10 15:24:28 UTC
Being kind to others
2007-09-03 05:19:07 UTC
My wife, a gorgeous specimen
2007-09-03 03:42:51 UTC
A transitory state.
2007-09-03 05:32:24 UTC
a goal against celtic
2007-09-03 05:04:29 UTC
Its when a lady or girls looks stunning without any make up.
2007-09-03 03:46:54 UTC
Beauty shouldn't be everything......
2007-09-04 05:59:21 UTC
feeling good within yourself!! not for others, also looking in the mirror and saying wow i look good!!
2007-09-03 07:54:31 UTC
Harmony in all aspects.
2007-09-03 05:38:19 UTC
the good that people do everyday of they life.helping someone out
2007-09-09 08:09:22 UTC
2007-09-06 17:35:50 UTC
someones personality
other boy
2007-09-10 10:13:19 UTC
2007-09-11 03:25:13 UTC
radiating confidance and kindness
2007-09-12 00:58:21 UTC
accepting a person as they are
2007-09-03 05:38:01 UTC
your soul if its pure it will shine through
2007-09-03 05:38:58 UTC
honesty, simplicity and kind hearted.
2007-09-08 08:18:07 UTC
my wife
Luck dragon
2007-09-03 05:10:11 UTC
being good looking
2007-09-03 05:25:09 UTC
brown hair and green eyes i.e me!
2007-09-03 03:45:11 UTC
inner soul & it's divine nature manifested...
2007-09-03 05:41:28 UTC
2007-09-11 22:10:21 UTC
anything you want it to be :]
scared by myselfXxXx
2007-09-03 03:42:06 UTC
pretty looks.
and a good personality.
i guess..
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.