This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous but please don't judge me or anything like that. There's this girl at my college that has the most GORGEOUS clothes. I mean amazing. And I am not good with fashion at all. Everything I buy I end up hating it a few months later and never wearing it again. So I called this tailor in the area and asked if they can make clothes from scratch seeing a picture of it. They said they could and to come in and they will tell you how long it will take, the price, etc. And that they fit the clothes to your exact measurement. The lady was super nice! This girl has pictures up on Facebook so I want to take it to the lady and have her make the clothes for me. I'm just wondering (cause the lady doesn't know what the clothes look like or the design yet) can she really make all of them from scratch with the exact design? Jackets, coats, long-sleeve shirts, skirts, dresses, etc. They all are very detailed in the design but the picture is very clear quality. What do you think? Also, how much do you think it would cost per outfit?