ok girl turns to me asks are you VOVA i say yeah she says hi im molly.. although only my friends and people who know me call me Vova everyone else calls me Vladimir or Vlad i come from Russia... anyway this girl is nice to me and askes me some questions when we work together.. shes funny and laughs / smiles alot... she does her hair differently everyday... ok at the lab she asked me a few things the first thing she asked me was whats you name again??!! like WTF how could she forget?? then her friends and her were talking abou tthe dance and game she said she had an escort named tyler her friends said awww thats cute... this girl wants to be voted at queen too... we make eye contact a bunch everytime i walk in the door we just look at each other... shes the first thing i look at in the class too everyday when i enter... we both like rap music... ive seen this girl before like outside of school but we never ever talked then one day she just decides to say hi in class...?? conduusing and shes a senior and im a junior.. also like when she puts something in her backpack she will look at me while she returns to her normal position.. and theres this kid who sits between us when he does something stupid we both look at each other and smile / or laugh then look at what hes doing lol does she like me??