Should I dress preppy or " posery" on the first day?
2010-08-18 15:25:02 UTC
Im a poser, and I admit it =) Nevertheless, I switch back between American Eagle and Rancid T-shirts in a day, and I don't do the whole scene hair, heavy eyeliner, converse get-up that makes emo/scene/punks (face it, they've blended in contemporary times) look "authentic."

Freshman year, I combined it. My face was very typical "cheerleader" with long blonde waves, and light eyeliner. Vegan shoes (I hate Nike) and jeans with a Poser T-shirt, like the "skater" shirts from Zumiez, or an authentic band shirt not from Hot Topic. Since I switched so much, I was called a poser 24/7, but my nerd crowd didnt care, but this year, I want to make a good impression first day. So Im going to choose one.

So your choice. (kinda) Should I go typical blonde with A&E and all, or emo poser?
Four answers:
2010-08-18 15:47:55 UTC
Wear whatever you think is cute. If you like the "scene" style then wear that stuff, if you like American Eagle type style wear that, if you like a mix there is no sensible reason why you should not wear that. If someone wants to call you a poser for wearing clothes (or makeup or hair) that is one style or another then you should just politely tell them "well that's what I think is cute so that's what I like to wear". You don't need a label - scene, prep, emo, poser??? WHO CARES?! I apologize if I sound rude saying that. I just finished high school last year so I definitely get it.

I don't know how you're putting your outfits together right now but I personally love mixing different styles together like that! Try making your outfit so that there is a mix of prep and scene. If you want you can add in a different style that less people have, like boho or grunge or urban or hipster, and say you just want to be different. Personally, I think labels don't get people very far and as long as you have your friends then screw the haters.

If you wanted me to just for for one or the other, I guess typical blonde American Eagle prep because being called a poser would hurt my feelings.
2010-08-18 16:28:09 UTC
Why don't you just dress as yourself. Why do you need to be labeled as something? And why are you saying you want to be an emo poser?
2010-08-18 15:27:51 UTC
why are you admitting to being a poser? that's really dumb

dress however you want, forget any labels.
2010-08-18 15:28:36 UTC
emo but its not poser if its your style

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