How to become pretty?
2011-07-04 08:19:22 UTC
Yeah I get bullied
I have spots on my forehead,a few chickenpox scars and a few pimple scars
have black hair,like about shoulder length
green/brown eyes
my eyebrows are un even
my face goes red constantly for no reason
my nose is fat.
i'm getting bullied how can i become pretty?
42 answers:
2011-07-04 08:49:35 UTC
to be pretty you will need to :

1 ) Be Confident of Yourself - and belive in your self.

2) Clothing always makes some one look more pretty and trendy :) so wear something really stylish.

3)If you have spots - treat them with natural facial remedies, NOT foundation (makeup) it will just become worse. Here is a good facial mask me and my sister do on our faces every night :

2 Table spoons of Natural Yogurt, 1 tablespoon Honey, and 3 squirts Of Lemon. Mix them well and then if you have a face brush and you wipe the mixture on your face and leave it for an hour.

and Once a week you should boil water untill its very hot and then let your face near the pot of boiling water so the steam can reach your face. ( this helps the steam to evaporate on your face and therefore opens the pores / Core of your spot, so it gets smaller each time untill it has disapeared. This is how me and my sister keep our skin Perfect, trust me :) it will work!

Another natural facial Remedie we use is =

a small mixture of MinFat we call it. It consists of :

half a TINY cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil, and squirt in some lemon ( a very good source of acid which helps to destroy spots )

same as before, use a cotton pad and dip it into the mixture and wipe it around your whole face, especially at the places that have spots.

3) Your eyebrows can easily be solved, you could get them threaded or if you cant stand the pain, you could get them bleached (dyed the same colour as your skin so it would disapear not show atall)

Thats what i did :)

4)There is nothing you can do about the nose, unless you get a nose job but that is not a good thing and it might end up wrong and wonky so not a really good choice. But you could outline your eyes and and pretty them up, so they look big, which will decrease the size of your nose, but only if your good at makeup, or go to a makeup artist.

5) you should change the style of your hair into a more elborate style, check the 2011 'this season' fashion hairstyles, and update your look. try out different unique styles play with your hair and see what suits you best and brings out your complexion and cheek bone structure, experiment with hair accesories, braids, flowers, beads, extensions, Volume hair spray ( Higer volume hair) and also you could also go brunette or Hazel coloured hair which suits any type of style and layout of makeup.

6) Face the bullies or tell someone about it,also let the bullies know your happy about your looks.

everyone is beautiful in their own way, there is no such thing as ugly, unless you belive it.
2016-12-20 09:18:29 UTC
2011-07-04 09:09:41 UTC
Hi :-)

You can't really become pretty. You can only work with what you have and try to be twice as beautiful on the inside. That's where it really counts... but I know that's not what you're asking.

~*~ My Advice ~*~

If I were you, the first thing I would do is get a haircut or at least get the ends trimmed. If you're worried about the marks on your forehead you can choose a haircut with bangs. To cover your forehead I would go with these kind of bangs:

If you do get bangs, you need to remember to keep your hair really clean. If not the oil in your hair can rub off on your face and bring out acne.


You're eyes sound pretty. Do you mean that they're hazel? You should find out what color they are and then look up 'eye shadows for ________ eyes.' Then maybe buy some mascara and / or eyeliner if you don't already have some. If you have dark circles under your eyes, there are creams for that.

If your eyebrows bother you than you can pluck them or go to a salon and have them threaded. If you don't want to do either then I think they have these brushes that allow you to groom them. If all else fails you can pencil them in with an eyebrow pencil.


If you have a problem with acne, I recommend seeing a dermatologist. If that's not an option then I recommend buying two things.

The first is tee-tree oil. You can buy it from any pharmacy or drugstore. All you have to do with it is apply it each individual pimple and within a couple of days the pimples should be gone (or diminished.)

The second is the Neutrogena Skin ID products. You fill out a series of questions on their website and then they tell you the product(s) that's best for your skin. It's a little pricey but it really does work well. Here's the website:

If you're just worried about the redness in your skin, I recommend using a tinted moisturizer and a bit of concealer. You'd be surprised what you can do with a little makeup.


You said that you're nose is fat. Unfortunately you can't change your features, unless you want to get a nose job, so the only thing I can suggest is finding a hairstyle that complements your face (and nose).

If you do want to get a nose job, read through the following link carefully and do a lot of research. When the time comes to go to a doctor, don't be afraid to ask questions and make sure that they know what they're talking about.

Here's the website I was talking about:,-Its-Pros-and-Cons&id=4219903


Then there are the little thing you can do:

- keep your nails clean and pretty

- do your hair daily

- do your makeup daily

- try to get tanned (if it looks good on you)

- exercise to keep in shape

- keep your breath fresh and your teeth white

- keep your skin hydrated

- use good antipersperant so you don't sweat a lot

- wear some perfume or body spray (if you want)


Remember that in a few years from now, when you're out of highschool, the bullies won't matter. You're better then them and you always will be. I really hope it gets better for you :-)

~*~ Megan Chantal ~*~
2011-07-04 08:54:40 UTC
Ignore whoever it is that is bullying you...theres a gurl in my grade who bullied me and evry1 hates her! She most definetly uglier rhan i am and i have waaaay more friends then her :) do dont fir the pretty part...

Scars/ marks-concealer! It'll hide them and look great! You could always get a haircut too...try bangs! It will hide them a little better and i got side bangs and that gurl called me pretty! ;)

Hair: haircuts are fun! And they can make you look differet, too! If you dont wanna completly change your hair, just try a trim and buy a nice headband or some clips. Google how to braid your hair and stuff so your hair will look cool!

Green/brown eyes- (i think they sound pretty already!) But a big part of being pretty isnt abbout hiding yor blemishes...its about bringig out YOUR natural beauty! So how about some eyeshadow? It'll make those beauties POP! I would suggest using a bronze or peachy color :)

Eyebrows- i would suggest just plucking them....waxing can be too much sometimes, especially if you are under the age of 13/14. So for plucking them yourself, there are youtube videos and websites tou can go to to help you with that...just be careful...eyebrow hairs take a while to grow back so a little plucking is better than alot.

Red face- theres really nothing you can do about this, except feel confident and proud to be you! If you follow at leastsome of these steps, you'll be pretty! So just think of how great you look and you wont have that face :)

Well, i really hope i helped...the best thing you can do though is be nice:) friends will help you out and inner beauty is the best beauty there is :)

Stay beautiful

2011-07-04 08:39:12 UTC
People are horrible to bully you.. you aren't alone. It's happened to me 3 times.

Beauty is also on the inside. You should shine with your beautiful personality, and although I don't know you, I am sure you are a lovely person :).

But! If you really want help to be "pretty".. then..

Get a hair cut, change you look, either drastically or slightly. Layered hair can look really cute if it's not 'over layered'. Also, new hair styles you can look on the internet and hair accesories can bring out your inner you.

Eyebrows... well depending on what you and you parents are allowing you to do, you could either pluck them (not too much otherwise it may not grow back, ask someone to help) and use an eyebrow pencil (not too much otherwise it looks fake... moderatley). DON'T EVER SHAVE THEM, it will turn to stubble and that is horrible.

Spots... okay everyone gets them and I'm sure you might just need some new spot cream or a new face routine... you can find "instuctions" on the internet anywhere. :)

Noses... you can't change, but in shops you can apparently by this clip which you put on at night and it eventually makes your nose slimmer... but I wouldn't worry if I were you xx

Make-up.. well simply type "No make up make up bubz beauty" on YouTube and the video withthe channel "bubzbeauty" has a great video! xx
2011-07-04 08:29:09 UTC
Confidence is hot! Make sure to take care of your body well- shower daily, shave, condition your hair well, do your makeup neatly, tweeze your uneven eyebrows, lotion well, eat well, and regularly visit the hair stylist (stylish haircut?) and doctor (weight issues?).

Manicures and pedicures can also boost your confidence! Try bold colors such as red, hot pink, or bright blue or green.

Emphasize your beautiful hazel eyes with the right makeup. Read on:

Here's an article on how to make your nose appear to be smaller:

Lots of cool people blush all the time. But for extra coverage, use a light, moisturizing foundation- this will also take care of your scars. Buff it into your skin ever so gently and make sure the foundation itself is not visible.

Curl your eyelashes and then, apply a really deep black mascara to complement your hair and set off your eyes.

Read this article:

Good luck and stay gorgeous! <3 Don't let anyone know that you care about what they think, just "magically" change over the summer. ;;D
2015-08-06 08:38:46 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


How to become pretty?

Yeah I get bullied

I have spots on my forehead,a few chickenpox scars and a few pimple scars

have black hair,like about shoulder length

green/brown eyes

my eyebrows are un even

my face goes red constantly for no reason

my nose is fat.

i'm getting bullied how can i become pretty?
2011-07-04 08:44:59 UTC
Well you can't really 'become pretty' i'd say your pretty if your born with it but you can improve your look. Do it gradually though so its not like a massive change.

As a teen its okay to get spots, I think its something like 80% of us get acne at some point in our lives (mainly teen years). But I would defiantly visit your GP I did, they can exam your skin and give you the right medication/cream etc that will suite you - you also get it free if your under 16 or 18 I can't remember which one. You have chickenpox scars? So what most of us do. I'd get your short hair layered by your hair dresser-ask for long layers, so it looks something like this:

Wear makeup and when I say this you need to know how to wear it, obviously through practise you'll get better but you don't want to look like a Barbie doll. So search through youtube on how to apply different types of makeup. I would start with a mineral foundation or a non pore blocking. Remember you can still have spots and apply makeup you just need the right makeup to suite your skin type. How about these:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=677&um=1&q=which+mineral+foundation&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15488050002380496978&sa=X&ei=Et8RTuyoGcrAhAfb4Iz2DQ&ved=0CHUQ8gIwBw

This will help to cover breakouts and make your face look less red. I would apply a powder on top to keep your foundation in place and if you feel a concealer would benefit use that to. Apply mascara to widen your eyes and pluck your eyebrows - you could ask your mum to do them/visit a salon/or visit youtube and do it yourself. If your nose is fat theres nothing you can do about that. Hope this helped :)
2011-07-04 08:54:12 UTC
Making the effort to smile every once in a while. That will make you feel good about yourself, and make others feel positive. You can even practice smiling in the mirror. Think of something that made you laugh, and you'll have the most charming and pretty smile!

Clean up. Remove acne from you're face. Moisturize with a light oil free SPF 15 (or higher). If you have redness from Rosacea use Aveeno Ultra Calming facial wash and moisturizer, it works wonders. And also wash your hair everyday, you want your hair to look clean, smooth, and shiny; not oily, dry, and nasty.

Try going for that fresh summer look by not plastering your face with makeup, but lightly adding it here and there. Makeup is made to enhance your features, not cover them. If you want to apply eyeliner, which will add definition to your eyes, choose a natural and subtle shade.(such as a brown) If you really need eyeshadow, which brightens up your eyes, make it natural and light.Try making it a champagne or brown color for that natural look. Mascara really opens up your eyes and makes your lashes super pretty. Also, add some clear lip gloss to enhance your lips. Don't wear shocking colors during the day. Stay pretty natural during the day and play it up during the night. If you have pimples or other face irritation, use an acne formula that won't dry out your skin.

Try your perfumes (if you have them), and see what makes you feel best. Also, you can try body lotions, or body splashes.Spritz yourself once or twice on your wrist (it is not a good idea to rub your wrists together because it can change the scent), and then onto your elbows and neck. That creates a hint of scent, which is sexy. Hot spots are places that generate a lot of heat and help the perfume smell stronger (located on the inner-wrist, crease of elbow, below the neck and above the chest, behind the ears, and behind the knee).

Remember that confidence is a very important thing. If you are self-conscious, chances are, you won't look or feel beautiful.

Buy clothing that flatters you. Unflattering clothing is horrible for an image. Black clothes are slimming, as are vertical stripes- Be modest, so don't wear shirts that are too low, or shirts or skirts too short.

Flatter a 'blah' outfit with accessories. Try a headband or a cute necklace, but don't over-accessorize!

Take care of your hair. Get it trimmed regularly. Brush your hair everyday, because the oils at the top of the head not only keep your hair shiny, but it will protect it. Apply a heat protectant if straightening or curling your hair, otherwise it can get damaged very easily. Healthy hair is pretty.

If you wish to dye your hair, make sure it's a dye that suits your skin tone--two shades darker or lighter than the natural color of your hair. It's not recommended however, as it can cause breakage.

Body language says a lot! Stand up straight. Let others know that you respect yourself, and they will follow your lead. Plus, it has the visual effect of smoothing out any bulges that aren't particularly flattering. Posture is important and can make you look more attractive.Standing or sitting slumped burns fewer calories then sitting or standing up straight.

Exercise. Looking great doesn't mean makeup and clothes, it means feeling good about yourself and staying healthy.Exercise for an hour or half hour at the least every day, and drink 8 glasses of water daily. The water helps you get a nice glow in your skin and makes your complexion much clearer.

If you don't have time to get to the gym one day, try incorporating 40 minutes of brisk walking - this can be as simple as walking around on coffee and lunch breaks for 20 minutes at a time or even walking to work or school instead of driving or taking the bus.

Any sports that you find interesting are nice, but if you don't play a sport find an exercise that fits you best.

Get enough sleep. This will help you to always look your best. Regular sleeping patterns help your body to effectively regenerate and feel great the next day! Avoid sleeping on your face, this will cause wrinkles.

Body brush at least once a week. Body brushing is just when you get a plastic(synthetic) or natural bristle brush and rub it in circular motions all over your body, working from the feet upwards and working towards the heart. It helps tone skin, reduce cellulite and it removes all the dead skin which makes you glow!

Remove unwanted body hair. Wax, shave, or pluck body hair such as bikini line, armpit hair, leg hair, eyebrow hair and other areas.

The most important thing is to believe you are beautiful, no matter what anyone else says!
2011-07-04 08:43:41 UTC
Beauty isn't always on the outside, it matters most on the inside... However, this isn't going to make you feel any prettier and make the bullies leave you alone (no doubt they're just jealous anyway!)

I definitely agree that confidence is really sexy, however, with out feeling sexy you can't be confident.

Below I have listed a few things that I do to feel better about myself and to feel confident, it definitely gets you a lot of positive attention.

If you look good, people notice you and want to get to know you.... If they can get to know you, they will see the real beauty inside.

Good Luck, and I hope confidence can grow.

hair extensions to make your hair longer (then you can curl it etc..)

eyebrows threaded/waxed

eyebrows tinted (if needed)

lip waxed (if needed)

eye lashes curled or eyelash extensions or fake eyelash's

Fake tan or use of sunbeds

acrylic nails / nicely painted nails

exfoliating your skin (toothpaste on spots help)


waxing / shaving legs (and other applicable area's)

teeth whitening kit or toothpaste

nice makeup

nicely fitted clothes

nice perfume


Please Note: This tip would be mainly aimed at a teenager.
2011-07-04 08:35:19 UTC
Get help about the bullies, they're idiots

As for 'becoming pretty' forget it. Beauty is only a perspective.

If you want to change your appearance, do it for yourself and not the bullies.
2011-07-04 08:21:56 UTC
If we knew how to make everyone instantly pretty then there wouldn't be any ugly people in the world. Obviously that's not the case. Just be happy with what you have, there are things in life other than being pretty.
2015-01-31 13:28:09 UTC
Cellulite does not come from a single cause. It almost always comes from a combination of generic and hormonal factors.Some wrong behaviors, however, can cause or even worsen cellulite: a life that is too sedentary, altered blood circulation, incorrect diet with insufficient intake of fluids, smoking and alcoholic beverages, high heels and close-fitting garments. The plasma fluid, transudated from impaired and weakened capillaries, accumulates and stagnates in surface adipose tissue.

Cellulite can be reduced by a balanced diet and specific treatments
2014-10-14 07:10:51 UTC
This is my favourite honey facial mask recipe! It works incredibly well :d

Raw honey works amazing because not only is it natural, but it has anti-bacterial properties that works just as great and probably better than any lab-made cream in the market. I Highly recommend honey facial masks.

How to become pretty?
2011-07-04 08:33:37 UTC
Go to the drugstore and look around for different exfoliates and creams which will help you with your condition. Different brands such as clean 'n' clear may also help. For extra help, try the wave (as seen on tv) When you get home, read all instructions carefully, put aside items and wear the bag!
2011-07-04 16:03:21 UTC
Not everyone will always think you are pretty. But that's okay. Everyone has someone he/she doesn't like about themselves and we can't always change that. But it makes us all unique and beautiful in our own way:]
2016-06-10 19:53:44 UTC
Skip ordering pizza and make one of these brilliant crusts at home: gluten-free special potato crust, a quinoa tulsi crust that's also gluten free, or this low-carb cauliflower brown crust area.
2011-07-04 08:30:00 UTC
get a fringe to hide ur spots, thread ur eyebrows to make it even, get long hair extensions unless u already have loong hair, wear make up, but not too much like foundation or blush just mascara (to bring out ur eyes and eyelashes even more), lip gloss (no dry lips lol) and eye liner, wear up to date clothes like teens in magazines but thats up to u :P most importantly be yourself, if u have a nice personality u will instantly look and feel beautiful :) its kinda hard to tell without a pic but yh...
2016-06-04 00:19:11 UTC
If you require a good treatment for curing the acne then you require a clear strategy of action to follow to attain the very best results.
2017-03-12 02:17:17 UTC
Add protein powder to special recipes (like these Rice Krispies treats) for boosting the nutrition.
2017-03-06 06:01:10 UTC
proceed operating every day
2017-03-03 01:48:21 UTC
Long legs always look better with anything.
2017-02-23 09:53:27 UTC
I think blonde hair is actually sexiest, but brown hair can become really sexy too. Black hair will be never sexy. It's just really uninteresting and boring and flatters few complexions. Blonde hair looks best with glowing blue eyes.
2017-02-17 20:09:55 UTC
2017-02-05 03:48:00 UTC
stand up and goal on your favourite shows
2017-01-30 15:54:57 UTC
i think its all on the intentions like if your doing it to make an impression a son or showcase your bodyy that would be seriously wrong
2016-04-18 20:52:38 UTC
Use silken tofu rather than cream for some recipes such as this dairy-free chocolate mousse.
2016-05-17 17:38:41 UTC
Always surround oneself with good things such as content thoughts, determination, and folks who think in you.

You have to live by it, and at the same time have faith and self-confidence in your self that you are capable of reaching your objectives.
2011-07-04 08:29:56 UTC
that's really sad! im sorry:( just remember you are beautiful always!

to get rid of scars- at drugstores they have scar lightners or removers.


for your hair- you could get highlights, or bleach some pieces, or you could buy extensions.

your eyes are pretty so don't worry.

for your eyebrows- go get them waxed! they will even them out!

face- hydrate! mostiurize! maybe wear some foundation and mascara.

hope this helps:)
2011-07-04 08:41:26 UTC
Yeah don't worry about being bullied because it makes you stronger! I mean take Lady Gaga for an example. Best selling artist in the world right now and got bullied in highschool.

Avoid popping pimples to prevent scars. I would check with a dermatologist with acne and skin problems. Just ask your parents to take you to one and hopefully they'd agree. (I went to one and my skin is so clear now!)

You need to know what color looks best on you. You can try out wigs and stuff to see. I prefer a brown color with a hint of red (I was born with brown hair that turns red in the sun which I would never color). If you look best with black hair then don't COLOR it but make sure you're always styling it!

If you have straight hair then buy a GOOD (not cheap) curling iron and watch youtube tutorials for hair styles. (One trick I use with the curling iron is instead of using the clamp I just use my hands and wrap my hair around the entire rod and hold it in place with my hand until it curls nicely). People say that's the best way to curl your hair but there are many, many ways to give different effects with curly hair. Also when you do this, i'd recommend putting hairspray on EACH strand after (or before) you curl it so it really stays in place. I curled my hair once without hairspray because I ran out and literally once I finished one half of my head and was working on the other half, the first half was already turning straight!

If you have naturally curly hair then you're probably really lucky. You can buy mousse and put a LOT on your hair to have a cute natural look, you can straigten you hair for a straight look, OR you can straighten it and then CURL it with a curling iron to give a sleek, perfect-curls look.

your eyes sound like a beautiful color which is a plus =]

please fix your eyebrows! After a really long time of trying to get it right I finally got nice arches in. By the way it's totaly normal to pencil in (with a pencil eyeliner) anywhere you messed up on your eyebrows. I do it, other people do it, it's fine. I see so many makeup tutorials where they say it's important to pencil in your eyebrows to get them perfect (but you have to make it look natural too).

That's another point i'd like to get into... watch makeup tutorials and just try on different makeup styles when you're bored. I'm obsessed with eyeliner so I always try to practice a nice eyeliner with my liquid eyeliner. Also get an eyelash curler. VERY IMPORTANT! And it's very important not to think you NEED makeup to look pretty because makeup doesn't really ALTER your face. It just enhances your beauty which EVERYONE has.

Everyone has something about their face that they don't like. I have a big nose. My sisters have actually done nose jobs because they hate theirs but i'm keeping mine because i'd rather have the features I was born with and still manage to look attractive/presentable. So don't worry about features you cannot change. Just focus on hair, makeup, eyebrows, skin and you'll look better in no time!

Bullies wont stop just because you look a certain way because there are some people out there that just ignore other people's feelings. Make sure you're hanging with a nice crowd. Don't TRY to fit in but just be yourself and try to talk to those bullies as LESS as possible. There's no need to stress out about people that will probably screw their lives over. Focus on yourself, your grades, your self-esteem, and forget about them because you're better than them.
2011-07-04 08:22:02 UTC
you cant change your features but if it worries you that much you could get your eyebrows threaded, maybe start exfoliating your face?

i got bullied in school, but now they are all doches with no jobs and 10 kids and i am doing awesome. karma baby! lol

dont worry about the bullies, just ignore them all!
2016-07-14 22:24:31 UTC
Boost your current metabolism along with green tea extract
2016-02-08 14:41:28 UTC
Choose wet snacks including melon, peppers, cherry tomatoes, or celery. Their water content will fill you up and prevent bloating.
2016-02-25 11:51:22 UTC
Swap out your hamburger patty for just a veggie burger.
2016-12-26 16:59:49 UTC
Pour almond milk in your cereal as an alternative to skim milk.
2016-02-22 23:59:44 UTC
Use a smaller amount sodium within meal
2016-05-01 10:37:51 UTC
Include one to two alcohol refreshments everyday as opposed to more
2016-01-21 18:09:48 UTC
When cooking or baking, ditch the hand mixer and use a wooden spoon instead.
2017-01-16 08:46:41 UTC
a blonde lady stands out more in the masses than a brunette, especially if the lady has long hair
2011-07-04 08:47:54 UTC
You could put make up on babe, and ignore them i bet you are pretty. x
2011-07-04 08:21:38 UTC
if you have spots on your forhead just get a fringe
2011-07-04 09:28:10 UTC
you cant you just have to be self confident.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.