That's a great idea! I was thinking about doing that myself, actually. You beat me to it!! Hahaa.
Leave your conditioner in for a long time. Do something like shave your legs while it's in. That way it soaks in properly and leaves your hair silky smooth. Use V05 Detangle and Shine leave in conditioner stuff. It's a spray. It smells amazing, and makes your hair amazingly soft. I've gotten half of the marching band hooked. :]
Keep it minimal. Use your eyeliner on the bottom on the tear line [above your lashes]. That way it's still there, but you don't look like a goth. Wiggle your mascara wand when applying mascara. It makes your lashes appear thicker. Apply it to the top and bottom. You don't want the top to be blonde and the bottom black. Use a shadow that contrasts with your eyecolor [green and purple, etc.]. Use it just above your lashes. Your eye color will POP. Then put a transluscent white shimmery powder up to your brows. It doesn't look heavy, but it gives you a shimmer.
I've found that they tend to like you better if you like yourself. It's so much easier to have a good time if you're comfortable. And that's really who they want, someone they can have a fun time with. Don't take everything so seriously. Relax, back off, and remember to smile and laugh a lot. Flirting is fun.
They are just as neurotic as you. Girls say that boys are jerks, but girls are bitches, so I suppose it all evens out in the end. Don't treat the nice guys badly. There are so few left! Hahaa.
Don't be so uptight and take everything so seriously. We're young. If you're in a relationship, enjoy it. Things aren't meant to be so heavy. Just chill. Who needs all the dramatics? And jealous girls? It's painful for EVERYONE around you. Chill and have enough confidence in yourself and trust in him that he's not going to do anything.
Go out of the box. Wear flowers in your hair. Get funky jewelry. Jeans are heavenly and essential. Get a pair that are comfortable and look really hot on you. Skinny jeans are hell, and look like hell on everyone. They make people that are skinny and tiny look like they have weight issues in their thighs and butts. No one needs that! Be able to be fashionable somedays, but just kick back in a teeshirt, ponytail, ratty converses, and jeans on those days where it's really hard to get out of bed in the morning.
That good? Hahaa.